Company Logo Doormat Options

Written by...Anna Parkinson 04/10/2021

Company Logo Doormats are an additional method of brand reinforcement and promotion that many people overlook. At The Business Mat People we know how important brand identity is, making sure that your brand is unforgettable to visitors and prospective customers. A beautifully designed logo doormat purchase is therefore much more than just a method of keeping your flooring free from dirt and moisture.

Carpet/ Outdoor Logo Mats

Our Carpet Logo Mats are versatile indoor mats, perfect for welcoming staff or guests at reception, signposting, safety messaging and so much more. An purpose made product for moisture absorbance, stylishly branded with your company logo.

Our ProBandPlus Logo Mat is a scraper doormat that can be specialised for indoor or outdoor usage, both customised with your company logo. Outdoors it will expertly scrape dirt from footwear and allow excess moisture to drain away through holes punched into the matting. Indoors the mat is made without drainage holes and is perfect for areas where a lot of dirt and debris walked inside.

If possible, these mats together provide the ultimate combination of outdoor dirt scraping and indoor moisture absorbance. Both provided with an anti-trip rubber border as standard, or can be made for mat wells. We even adjust the anti-slip backing material to suit your flooring.

Simply roll these mats up to store and take them to trade shows and exhibitions where they also provide as memorable brand reinforcement and promotion to catch the eye of prospective customers.

Coir/ Synthetic Coir Logo Mats

A Coir or Synthetic Coir Logo Mat is the best matting choice if you have an indoor mat well or recess and are looking to create a traditional appearance, whilst still highlighting your company branding.

Each one of these mats is lovingly hand crafted in our UK workshops in a selection of colours. These pieces are individually cut out and inlaid into the backing of the coir, resulting in a long-lasting coir logo mat that you will feel proud to have adorning your entrance.

The main difference between the two matting is simply that our CraftMax Inlay Coir Logo Mat comes in 17mm thickness for deeper mat wells, whereas our CraftMax Inlay Synthetic Coir Logo Mat sits at 10mm thick for where you don’t have the required clearance for the 17mm natural coir, but still want a traditional doormat appearance.

Rubber Logo Mats

Simply put, our DirtGuard Rubber Logo Mat is the industry leading durable outdoor logo mat. It will handle any amount of dirt or bad weather thrown at it with a breeze. And when dirty, simply clean by washing or hosing down in situ. The raised rubber notches ensure that dirt and water are trapped beneath the walking surface to help prevent slips and falls.

It’s hard to believe that you are able to have such amazing functionality while the high-quality print ensures brilliant designs that last throughout many cleaning cycles. We are incredibly excited about this product.